16. Wireless Community Weekend -- we need to meet!

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Evernets Migration to 802.11ac in Mesh & Access and 60GHz Backbones
2021-05-15, 20:00–20:40 (Europe/Berlin), mainhall
Sprache: Englisch

This talk provides the technical mesh, access and backbone upgrade aproaches and experiences we have with our Evernet mesh network to migrate to 802.11ac routers and APs and 60GHz backbones.

Our Evernet Mesh network was established in 2003. Today, across five villages in Thueringia/Germany we cover about 108 hausholds with our Freifunk OLSR Mesh and have about 450 OpenWrt accesspoints in the field. Every 3 to 4 years we upgrade our wifi hardware in the backbone, mesh and access part and hence have a lot of migration work to do right. In this talk we share our aproches, experience and work to: (I) upgrade our 80e.11n mesh routers to 802.11ac, (II) upgrade our 802.11n accesspoints to 802.11ac and (III) the transition to 60GHz 802.11ad backbones.

Pad für Q&A


Jitsiraum für Nachbesprechung


Freifunker, Technician, Coder, Wifi Lover

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